


ZHOU Bangyan – Lyrics to the Melody of the West River (In remembrance of bygone eras at Jinling)
In this prosperous region, who remembers the South's grand eras?
Mountains and fields of the countryside and the winding Yangtze
Surround and build up away from the city.
Raging billows like loneliness towards a solitary castle heave,
On the distant horizon navigate sails and masts of ships.
Off the precipice rugged trees overhang still,
Who still comes here to secure the boat of a gent who never worried?
All that remains on a historic site is sentimentality.
And fog has come to one half of a castle conceal.
Deep in the night, over the parapet the moon shines,
In grief I look towards the east where pass the waters of River Huai.
What a flourishing city full of wine vendors' pennants and operatic drumming!
Faint is the memory of the Wangs, the Xies and their neighbourhoods,
Swallows have come and gone for generations that all have lost count of.
There are now ordinary people along the same streets and alleyways,
Telling tales of the rise and fall of former times in the setting sun.

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早春呈水部张十八员外 / 初春小雨 / 早春

早春呈水部张十八员外 / 初春小雨 / 早春
朝代:唐代 作者:韩愈 原文: 天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。 最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。 相关翻译 译文及注释 译文  京城的街道上空丝雨纷纷,雨丝就像乳汁般细密而滋润,小草钻出地面,远望草色依稀连成一片,近看时却显得稀疏零星。一年之中最美的就是这早春的景色,它远胜过了绿杨满城的暮春。 注释《早春呈水部张十八员外》这首诗又称《初春小雨》①呈:恭敬地送给。②天街:朱雀大街(长...


朝代:宋代 作者:柳永 原文: 拆桐花烂漫,乍疏雨、洗清明。正艳杏浇林,缃桃绣野,芳景如屏。倾城。尽寻胜去,骤雕鞍紺幰出郊坰。风暖繁弦脆管,万家竞奏新声。 盈盈。斗草踏青。人艳冶、递逢迎。向路傍往往,遗簪堕珥,珠翠纵横。欢情。对佳丽地,信金罍罄竭玉山倾。拚却明朝永日,画堂一枕春酲。 相关翻译 注释 幰:音显,车上帷幔。垧:音机兄反,远郊也。《说文》有“邑外谓之郊,郊外谓之牧,牧外谓...


朝代:明代 作者:方孝孺 原文: 天台生困暑,夜卧絺帷中,童子持翣飏于前,适甚就睡。久之,童子亦睡,投翣倚床,其音如雷。生惊寤,以为风雨且至也。抱膝而坐,俄而耳旁闻有飞鸣声,如歌如诉,如怨如慕,拂肱刺肉,扑股面。毛发尽竖,肌肉欲颤;两手交拍,掌湿如汗。引而嗅之,赤血腥然也。大愕,不知所为。蹴童子,呼曰:“吾为物所苦,亟起索烛照。”烛至,絺帷尽张。蚊数千,皆集帷旁,见烛乱散,如蚁如...


朝代:宋代 作者:李纲 原文: 塞上风高,渔阳秋早。惆怅翠华音杳。驿使空驰,征鸿归尽,不寄双龙消耗。念白衣、金殿除恩,归黄阁、未成图报。 谁信我、致主丹衷,伤时多故,未作救民方召。调鼎为霖,登坛作将,燕然即须平扫。拥精兵十万,横行沙漠,奉迎天表。 参考赏析 鉴赏 南宋高宗初立,迫于军民抗金情绪高涨,起用著名的抗战派李纲为相,似乎要有所作为,但他内心畏敌,只图苟安,并无抗金决心。不久...